Število citiranj: 1
A grand theory and a small social scientific community: Niklas Luhmann in Slovenia
Adam, F., Bernik, I., & Rončević, B. (2005). A grand theory and a small social scientific community: Niklas Luhmann in Slovenia. Studies in East European Thought, 57(1), 61–80. Dordrecht, Boston, London: Kluwer Academic Publishers. COBISS.SI-ID: 512260727
Citirajoča monografija
Sapiro, Gisele, Marco Santoro, Patrick Baert (2020): Ideas on the Move in the Social Sciences and Humanities: The International Circulation of Paradigms and Theorists
- Založnik: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
- ISBN: 978 3030350260, 978 3030350246
- COBISS.SI-ID: 69425155
- Povezava do citata