Dr Darka Podmenik, the external scientific collaborator of the Institute, presented the outcomes of the CRP project, entitled Analysis of the effectiveness of management of epidemics in Slovenia – International comparison and interdisciplinary approach, at the 7th Congress of Preventive Medicine in Maribor, 12 May 2022.
Approximately 200 national and foreign experts from different fields of public health took part in this three-day event, organized by the Section for preventive medicine of Slovensko zdravniško združenje.

Javno zdravje – dosežki, nova spoznanja in izzivi prihodnosti (in Slovene) 31 May 2022: https://www.zadusevnozdravje.si/aktualno/novice/2022/05/javno-zdravje-dosezki-nova-spoznanja-in-izzivi-prihodnosti/