Latest publications

Scientific publications:

  • Golob, Tea, Maruša Gorišek and Matej Makarovič (2023): Authoritarian and populist challenges to democracy correspond to a lack of economic, social, and cultural capitals. Societies 13 (8): 1-12.
  • Westlund Hans and Kamila Borsekova (2023): Rural problems, policies and possibilities in a post-urban world. Regional science policy & practice 15 (4): 717-728.
  • Plantak, Martina (2023): “Us” in media : banal nationalism, Europeanism and national branding in Croatian media. Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu 14 (1): 112-124.
  • Adam, Frane and Maruša Gorišek (2022): Towards Sustained and Sustainable Management of COVID-19: An Alternative to the Simplified Return to Pre-Pandemic “Normality”. Sustainability 14 (17): 10789.
  • Golob, Tea and Matej Makarovič (2022): Meta-reflexivity as a way toward responsible and sustainable behavior. Sustainability 14 (9): 1-19.
  • Westlund, Hans and Mats Wilhelmsson (2021): The socio-economic cost of wind turbines: A Swedish case study. Sustainability 13 (12): 6892.
  • Naldi, Lucia, Pia Nilsson, Hans Westlund and Sofia Wixe (2021): Amenities and new firm formation in rural areas. Journal of rural studies 85: 32-42.
  • Golob, Tea, Matej Makarovič and Mateja Rek (2021): Meta-reflexivity for resilience against disinformation. Comunicar 29 (66): 103-112.
  • Westlund, Hans and Johan P. Larsson (2021): Local Social Capital and Regional Development. In Handbook of Regional Science. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 721-735.
  • Makarovič, Matej and Borut Rončević (2020): Technology and social choices in the era of social transformations. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • Adam, Frane and Maruša Gorišek (2020): Meritokracija Med Mitom, Normo in Realnostjo. Družboslovne razprave, leto XXXVI, številka 94-95, str. 217-238.
  • Podmenik, Darka and Maruša Gorišek (2020): Is youth unemployment in EU countries structural?. Research in social change, vol. 11, iss. 2, str. 8-105.
  • Yongchao Zhang, Hans Westlund in Johann Klaesson (2020): Report from a Chinese village 2019: rural homestead transfer and rural vitalization. Sustainability 12 (20): 8635.
  • Adam, Frane and Matevž Tomšič (2019): The future of populism in a comparative European and global context. Comparative sociology, vol. 18, iss. 5/6, str. 687-705.
  • Majetić, Filip, Matej Makarovič, Dražen Šimleša, and Tea Golob (2019): Performance of work integration social enterprises in Croatia, Slovenia, and Italian regions of Lombardy and Trentino. Economics & sociology, ISSN 2071-789X, vol. 12, no. 1, str. 286-301.
  • Adam, Frane, Dean Komel, Tomaž Zalaznik (2018): Spoprijem z razmerami in razmerji v Sloveniji : 1.1. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko
  • Podmenik, Darka (2018): (Pod)Sistemske disfunkcije slovenske družbe. In: Spoprijem z razmerami in razmerji v Sloveniji, 1.1, ur. Adam, Frane, Komel, Dean, Zalaznik, Tomaž. Ljubljana: Inštitut Nove Revije, Zavod za humanistiko.
  • Adam, Frane and Barbara Tomšič (2018): Science at High Schools – Collaboration between researchers and students. Research in Social Change, SASS.
  • Adam, Frane (2018): Citizen Science Pilot Experiment in High Schools. Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences. IIASS, Vol. 10, No. 2.
  • Westlund, Hans (2018): Urban-rural relations in the post-urban world. In: Haas, Tigran in Hans Westlund (ur.) In the Post-Urban World. Emergent Transformation of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy. Routledge: London in New York.
  • Haas, Tigran in Hans Westlund, eds. (2018): In the post-Urban World. Emergent Transformation of Cities and Regions in the Innovative Global Economy. Routledge: London and New York.
  • Makarovič, Matej, and Matevž Tomšič (2018): Resilience of pro-European consensus among political elites in crisis : ˝old” and “new” EU member states compared. V: CONTI, Nicolò (ur.), GÖNCZ, Borbála (ur.), REAL-DATO, José (ur.). National political elites, European integration and the Eurozone crisis, (Routledge research on social and political elites). Abingdon (Oxon); New York: Routledge, str. 136-160.
  • Rončević, Borut, Matej Makarovič, Matevž  Tomšič and Victor Cepoi (2018): Methodological solutions for comparative research on transformations. V: VIHALEMM, Peeter (ur.), MASSO, Anu (ur.), OPERMANN, Signe (ur.). The Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformations, (Routledge international handbooks). Abingdon; New York: Routledge.

A complete list of publications can be found at the Slovenian Research Database (SICRIS).

Professional and popular articles and interviews:

  • Adam, Frane and Maruša Gorišek (2023): Državljanska znanost, obeti in tveganja. EN: Citizen Science, prospects and risks. Sobotna Priloga Dela, 27. 5. 2023
  • Adam, Frane (2022): Če je SDS tako inertna, jo mora nekdo znotraj nje izzvati. EN: If SDS is so inert it should be challenged from within. Interview (Ivan Puc). Reporter, 5. 12.
  • Adam, Frane in Maruša Gorišek (2022): Vrnitev v stanje stare normalnosti ali prehod v postpandemično družbo tveganja. EN: Return to the new normality or transition to the post-pandemic risk society. Sobotna priloga Dela, 21. 5. 2022. 
  • Adam, Frane (2022): Golob igra na več neuglašenih strun. EN: Golob is playing on multiple  unpitched strings. Intervju (Igor Puc). Reporter, 3. 5. 2022.
  • Adam, Frane in Maruša Gorišek (2022): Je opuščanje epidemioloških ukrepov moralni hazard? En: Is abandoning epidemiological measures a moral hazard? Reporter, 28. 2. 2022.
  • Adam, Frane (2021): V primežu družbenih protislovij. EN: In the grip of social contradictions Sobotna priloga Dela, 24. 7. 2021.
  • Adam, Frane (2021): Upravljanje epidemiološke krize: med politiko in stroko. EN: Management of the pandemic crisis: between politics and experts. Sobotna priloga Dela, 30. 1. 2022.
  • Adam, Frane (2020): Geopolitika, kultura, demografija, statistika in virus. EN: Geopolitics, culture, demography, statistics and virus. Sobotna priloga Dela, 27. 6. 2020.
  • Podmenik, Darka (2021): Nam “vladajo” elite, ki posedujejo znanje? EN: Are we rulled by elites which possess knowledge? Reporter št. 30, 26. 7. 2021.
  • Podmenik, Darka (2021): “Levica” in “desnica” za privatizacijo raziskovanja. EN: ”The left” and ”the right” for privatization of research. Reporter št. 48, 29. 11. 2021.

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