Research Profile

The Institute for Developmental and Strategic Analysis (IRSA) is a private, non-profit research institution, primarily centered on social sciences.

In addition to purely theoretical research (inter – and trans-disciplinary based but with strong sociological background), IRSA has developed a specific thematic and methodological research profile.

The emphasis is on a multi-level and holistic orientation backed by the use of quantitative as well as qualitative methods and data (triangulation) including meta-analysis and case studies in comparative, cross-national context. Traditionaly, there is an emphasis on empirical studying of socio-cultural factors of developmental/innovation and institutional performance.

Besides that we are opening a new field of research regarding the role of meritocratic principles and the meaning of the experts in the political decision-making. The emphasis of the last year was given to the social context of covid-19 epidemic with the accent on relation and communication between government and expert bodies. The new sub-discipline social epidemiolology on the basis of comparative (cross-national) method is being inaugarated and developed.

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