Inštitut IRSA je med 17. in 21. aprilom organiziral simpozij z naslovom European Societies in Times of Anomie and Cognitive-Ethical Dissonance. Na simpoziju je sodelovalo več domačih in tujih raziskovalcev, ki so predstavili različne vidike in tematike povezane s spremembami, ki jih trenutno opazujemo v evropskem prostoru.
Program konference je na voljo tukaj.
Objavljamo tudi del predstavitev udeležencev:
1. Prof. Dr. Hans Westlund: Sweden in an age of uncertainty: Risks and opportunities
2. Prof. Dr. Ilja Srubar: The German crisis
3. Prof. Dr. Jernej Letnar Černič: On the dilemmas posed by the rule of law
4. Dr. Martina Plantak: Political frictions in Croatia and their impact on other subsystems and public opinion
5. Prof. Dr. Hans Westlund, Dr. Maruša Gorišek, Dr. Darka Podmenik in Maša Rebernik: The pandemic and counterurbanisation: A comparison of Sweden and Slovenia
6. Prof. Dr. Frane Adam in Dr. Maruša Gorišek: Meritocracy – Between myth, norm and reality; and The Paradoxes of Open Science
7. Dane Podmenik: Analysis of the organic food market in Slovenia