V reviji Sustainability je bil objavljen članek dr. Franeta Adama in Maruše Gorišek z naslovom Towards Sustained and Sustainable Management of COVID-19: An Alternative to the Simplified Return to Pre-Pandemic “Normality’’ 

Objavljeno v: Sustainability 2022, 14(17), 10789;  https://doi.org/10.3390/su14171078


The article is focusing on current processes, models, and possible consequences of the easing or cancelling of measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic that we have seen by the end of July 2022. This is observed in the broader context of selected European countries, allowing us to detect differences, similarities, and, especially, the different ways in which these processes have been legitimized by politicians (governments) and experts. The authors agree with a group of biomedical and other experts, scientists, who consider the rapid abolishment of epidemiological measures as a strategy that is considered a too-simplified solution, so are searching for a more sustainable way of managing the pandemic and also “pandemic fatigue”. In the text, the authors advocate a strategy, based on the principles of calibration, combination, and continuity of measures, which is compatible with the sustainable organization of the healthcare system. However, the implementation must be viable and long-term oriented.

Keywords: COVID-19; Omicron variant; risk society; pandemic preparedness; biomedical experts; sustainable management; second-order observation; meta-analysis; social epidemiology; Coronavirus Worldometer

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